The Decayed Teeth of Early Modern England
THERE WAS SOMETHING rotten in the state of England during the Early Modern Era: everyone’s…
DetailsAddress: 30785 Ford Road, Garden City, Michigan 48135
THERE WAS SOMETHING rotten in the state of England during the Early Modern Era: everyone’s…
DetailsTHE OLD LINE “it takes fewer muscles to smile than frown” isn’t actually true. It takes at…
DetailsTWO OUT OF EVERY FIVE kids will end up with one or more cavities by their…
DetailsTWO OF THE BIGGEST milestones of child development are when their baby teeth start…
DetailsWHEN WE PICTURE people of earlier eras, particularly pre-industrial ones, we tend to…
DetailsTO THE AVID swimmers out there, you may have noticed that your teeth are…
DetailsOUR TEETH CAN do a lot of things. They chew our food, they form a lot of the structure of…
DetailsIT’S NOT ALWAYS easy to teach a young child how to brush and floss. Little kids are…
DetailsTHERE AREN’T MANY things we love more than the smile of a child. It’s important to keep…
DetailsIN THE MIDDLE AGES, the English didn’t understand much about cavities or gum…